

目前顯示的是 1月, 2016的文章


http://www.thetradenews.com/Asset-Classes/Equities/BNY-Mellon-considers-future-of-CSD/ May 21, 2015 因為CSDR及ESMA結算規則的延遲 且歐洲集保業務面臨漸增的不確定性  再加上法令限制集保機構以商業銀行資金進行清算 (限於兩種方式: 1. through a credit institution under the Capital Requirements Directive, which is actually the same legal entity as the CSD; 2. through a separate legal entity, authorised as a credit institution under CRD IV, which is located either within, or outside, the group of which the CSD is a part.) 紐約梅隆銀行暫不持續投比利時集保業務的投資